Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is out now, and we've certainly been enjoying its mix of Dark Souls and Prince of Persia - however, players have discovered an option in the game's menu that has them concerned: a hidden Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order privacy setting.
This privacy setting is called the Jedi Fallen Order Shared Usage option, and it's buried in the menus under 'Extras'. Apex Legends also apparently has this setting, but players are concerned EA may be breaching the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
You can see the option in the screenshot above. As you can see in the description, EA collects data from all players to "improve our products and services" - in other words, EA is collecting data outside of what is necessary to run Jedi Fallen Order. It's presumably harmless and won't effect you at all, but some players will not like having their data collected without their permission - and the option is on by default.
A few users on Reddit here have noticed the option, and suggest that it breaches the EU's GDPR - the legal guidelines for data protection - specifically in Article 25, "Data protection by design and default", also known as "privacy by design". It is a legal requirement that "personal data is automatically protected" by all products.
We're not lawyers, so we can't advise you whether EA is actually breaching GDPR - it has the same option with Apex Legends, so the publisher probably knows what it is doing. Nevertheless, if you're uncomfortable with EA gathering your personal data, make sure to switch Shared Usage off in the Extras menu when you pick up Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.