According to Ubisoft, The Division 2 endgame was a major focus, resulting in a considerably more developed experience at launch than the first game had. From what we heard, developer studio Massive took a lot of notes from The Division 1, keeping everything from bounties, special daily missions, and weekly challenges in the sequel while adding more of their own.
So without further ado (and with less than a week to go), here's everything we know about The Division 2's endgame.
When does The Division 2's endgame start?
Once players reach level 30 and finish the story campaign, which should take about 40 hours (not including side quests and activities). This will put players into World Tier 1 (WT1), where every enemy in the map spawns at level 30.
Level 30 is also when players unlock the endgame specialisations. You can read more about them here.
What activities are available?
The endgame is divided into 5 World Tiers, each harder than the last. As the player progresses through the endgame in WT1, they will level up their Gear Score and unlock the other tiers, alongside their special activities.
Upon reaching WT1, players will have access to four strongholds occupied by the paramilitary force Black Tusk in the District Union Arena, Capitol Building, and Roosevelt Island. Special "Invaded" variants of the main missions will also be available for extra rewards.
The Black Tusk may also blockade settlements, preventing you from fast travelling to them until they're liberated. Controls points throughout the city will become dynamic, as hostile and friendly factions fight over their control, but as the enemy is pushed back out of strongholds, the surrounding areas become populated by more friendlies than enemies -- and enemies become more aggressive as they try to regain lost ground.
The Snitch, a character recruited through the main story, will also grant access to daily and weekly bounties, alongside a special intermittent gun runner vendor named Cassie who spawns in random places across the map. Talking to the Snitch will place her location on the map and spawn Cassie into a player's world, allowing them to buy one exotic weapon and multiple high-end weapons and accessories every few days.
The Division 2 Bounties
The bounties themselves require Target Intel (a currency that drops from enemies and missions once you recruit a character named Otis), and come in two types: procedurally generated bounties, and the Deck of 52.
The former are randomly generated bosses created within certain parameters, including loadouts, reinforcing squads, and fight location. Some of those may carry SHD equipment, and the harder bosses may have smaller bosses show up during the fight as part of their posse.
The later is a special collection of 52 named bosses scattered across the world whose locations can be pinpointed by the Snitch. Each of the four factions has 13 bosses in the Deck of 52, and each boss carries a unique card that indicates their difficulty. The royal bosses -- King, Queen, and Jack cards -- are the hardest of the bunch.
Once each set is completed, the player is awarded special in-game achievements called "Commendations" and loot reward, and the Deck of 52 can be generated again.
What else will be Featured in the End Game?
Once players reach World Tier 4 (WT4), the endgame's endgame begins. New weekly chain faction bounties become available, where players must take out two hard bounties for a faction in order to unlock a final challenging bounty.
The Priority Target Network - an interconnected set of seven tiered Bounties inside of different named zones that scale in difficulty as you progress through them -- becomes active, and the game's missions also start being offered in Challenging and Heroic difficulty in addition to the previous Normal and Hard. No word whether The Division 1's Legendary missions will come back, too.
The Tidal Basin stronghold is planned to be introduced shortly after launch, and its completion will catapult players into the final stage of endgame which information about is yet to come: World Tier 5.