Total War: Warhammer 3’s Immortal Empires mode may boast the series’ biggest map, but the number of factions at the start of each game means that expansion inevitably demands drawing blood. Our most recent timelapse highlights which races remain in the fight after 1796 turns with no peace treaties.
Total War: Warhammer 3’s peace treaties are a tool its races can use to both avoid being dragged into lengthy wars on multiple fronts and ineffectively beg for mercy when they have but one settlement left and the enemy’s armies are eagerly closing in on its position.
Their absence in our timelapse means that conflicts need to be seen through to their end, which creates some interesting results.
Among the more notable casualties count the Lizardmen factions, who fall relatively early to their malevolent neighbors.
After a turbulent start, Naggarond establishes itself as a powerful presence at around turn 570, before Be’lakor’s Shadow Legion and the High Elves take chunks of their territory in the later stages.
The newly-added Chaos Dwarfs manage to keep the flames of Hashut burning while joining the Vampire Counts in slowly eliminating Thorgrim Grudgebearer and his fellow dwarfs.
By turn 1796, having no peace treaties greatly reduces the number of active races while ensuring that there is very little border gore.
Tzeentch rules over the southern part of the map, Bretonnia outlives the Empire, while both of Cathay’s factions are all well and good.
You can check out our Total War: Warhammer III timelapse below and see for yourself how 1796 turns with no peace treaties change the Immortal Empires map.
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