As Valorant’s Act 2 has brought a new Agent and cosmetic rewards, Error Code 68 has also begun making its presence known once more.
Valorant Error Code 68 is particularly aggravating due to how it can throw you out of matches without any warning whatsoever. This is annoying in any game, let alone in a first-person shooter that emphasizes competitive play. But is there a fix?
The full error text accompanying Valorant Error Code 68 reads as follows: “Valorant has encountered a connection error. Please relaunch the client to reconnect.”.
Valorant Error Code 68
Valorant’s Error Code 68 is likely the result of some form of connection issue. Thankfully, following the advice in its error message and simply relaunching the client seems to do the trick and get players past it.
Additionally, resetting your router could also prove helpful, just like checking the Valorant Server Status. If the game’s servers are down and you’re seeing Error Code 68, you’ll likely have to wait.
Sadly, neither of the above fixes guarantees to permanently get rid of Valorant’s Error Code 68. That’s likely something which only developer Riot Games can do.
For more help with Valorant, check out our articles covering the Queue is disabled error and Error Code 43.
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