Twin Mirror may seem like a bit of an anathema to DONTNOD's previous outing, Vampyr, at first, but the new gameplay trailer released makes it clear that it is rather the obvious evolution of their trade.
With clear influence from Life is Strange and - yes - Remember Me, two of DONTNOD's previous projects, Twin Mirror seems like it'll have the opportunity not only to build on these experiences, but also to take what made them special, and make it different. Dare we say better?
Twin Mirror is an episodic adventure game following the game's protagonist, Sam, as he attempts to unravel the truth behind what happened the night before the game starts in earnest, when he came home drunk, wearing a blood-stained shirt.
To do so, Sam employes a visualised version of strict deductive reasoning, using the Mind Palace technique to create a sort of a memory-induced state of existence which allows him to rebuild events as they actually happened. DONTNOD promise a number of crime scenes for players to interact with, and the very first one is limited to a single hotel room, so as not to overwhelm pointlessly.
As both a companion and a foil to Sam, there's The Double - his alter ego - who will "help" along the way. Twin Mirror's very first episode, Lost On Arrival, is slated to release sometime next year, but no word yet on the exact date.