The Sisters of Battle will bring their righteous fury upon the Tyranid remnants on Baal Secundus when Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector launches next month.
Announced during the Warhammer Skulls Showcase, The Sisters of Battle join the Blood Angels’ war efforts, working together in Battlesector’s single-player campaign “to secure the major settlement of Angel’s Fall on behalf of Dante, and in the process, they become embroiled in Carleon’s quest to clear the threat of the synaptic leadership that continues to plague the moon.”
The Battle Sisters squad is a “balanced and capable” unit equipped with Boltguns and Frak Grenades, but can also make use of their order’s Blessed Ammunition.
The Seraphim squad’s jump packs provide the unit with high mobility, allowing it to leap across the battlefield and dish out damage using dual-wielded Bolt or Inferno Pistols.
Accompanying these two units, and leading Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector’s Sisters of Battle faction is Sister Superior Verity, the game’s newest hero unit.
Her HQ upgrades system enables players to spend perk points on various improvements that grant the two aforementioned units access to Meltas and Flamers, Blessed Ammunition, and even the unique bolter “Holy Trinity”, according to an announcement from Slitherine.
Sister Superior Verity also boasts some unique battle abilities of her own – Litany of Devotion, Battle Sermon, and Faith – to either buff herself or nearby Sister of Battle units.
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector launches on July 15 and is headed to PC, Xbox One and PS4.
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