In 2104, mankind is engaged in a fratricidal war between Earth and Mars populations. After weeks of fierce space battles and heavy losses, both sides however have to join together and form the Legions of Iron to fight a new alien enemy force.
Discover a powerful space-opera like RTS game created by the developers of the award-winning Imperium Galactica 1 and 2, which will allow you to break unreached grounds of Gameplay.
Encounter 4 races and fight in space in full 3D with more than 40 different battleships, interacting in a non-linear and thrilling scenario.
Hegemonia will provide you with an unparalleled strategic experience, boasting a huge technology tree (200 inventions), spying system, heroes management, wormholes enabling multi-system battles…
2 different campaigns will provide hours of thrilling gameplay that you will be able to replay or extend in multiplayer mode, with your best friends in cooperative mode or against other LAN or Internet users in various modes (campaign, scenarios, skirmish, cooperative campaign...).
Hegemonia proprietary top-notch game engine called "Walker Engine" uses the latest technology and fully takes advantage of DirectX 8.1 features, for an outstanding graphical aspect : LOD (Level of Detail) system, Pixel and Vertex shaders, T&L, DXTn compressed textures…
You will have to explore and conquer the galaxy at the head of your fleet, plan colonisations, terraform planets, manage your resources and decide on the appropriate technological research to lead mankind where you want it to go. Research combined with a top-notch spy network will enable you to survive in a stellar system which is much more dangerous than it would appear. Who says that space is empty? Black holes, asteroid fields, nebulas, cosmic clouds and wormholes aswell as alien races make each fleet sortie a perilous affair…
You will also have to keep an eye on every officer in your fleet. Much more than simple units, each has a history and life of his own…as time goes by they will be promoted in the ranks, gain experience and become more and more valuable to you… You become master of their destiny, which also means deciding whether to grant them a certain freedom or not, and take fortune into their own hands…In the middle of a battle involving hundreds of spaceships in an unknown solar system you cannot be everywhere at once; you therefore have to trust your men and pray your confidence is justified…
Equipped with second and third generation graphic cards, the game engine called "Walker Engine" draws fully on the latest technologies: the real time full-3D engine took one and a half years to develop. With a display capacity of 100,000 polygons, the "Walker Engine" also boasts an excellent framerate thanks to the LOD (Level of Detail) system. This system optimises display, with impressive zoom effects enabling the player to analyse all the vessels and planets right down to the finest detail. The special fx are quite simply breathtaking, from every angle, in all configurations, with dynamic lighting, lifelike shadows and reflections. All damage is precisely located, making the game incredibly realistic and affording it unbelievable graphic beauty.