Download Pineappletree s Vibrant Hair for DA2

Pineappletree's Vibrant Hair for DA2 Description: This replaces the standard hair texture in DA2, which is used for all player characters and (all?) NPCs. The new texture has double the resolution of the original and is based on images of real hair. It's of course compatible with all hair tints - vanilla or modded. I've gone for quality with this, not performance. That means the texture file is relatively large. If you are low on video memory in DA2 this might lead / add to performance issues! (Personaly I didn't notice any performance hit on a AMD HD 4850 with 1 GB memory.) Updates: Released a "Low Specular Alternative" for this addon that significantly reduces the specular level of the texture. Depending on hairstyle (some vanilla hair models have faults that produce weird looking highlights), hair color, lighting, etc. this can make the hair look "better" but also more "flat" than the original. There's a preview in the image section - you will have to test and decide for yourself which version suits your needs best. Please make sure you have only ONE version of this hair texture addon in your override folder at any given time! Installation: Unzip and copy the folder "Pineappletree's Vibrant Hair 1_0" into your [...]Dragon Age 2packagescoreoverride folder. Deinstallation: Just delete the folder "Pineappletree's Vibrant Hair 1_0" from your [...]Dragon Age 2packagescoreoverride folder. Knwon Issues: This will of course conflict with any other addon that tries to change the standard hair textures. No other issues known. Licensing/Legal: Do not re-distribute this file (as such or as part of any other mods) without my explicit permission! Do not re-host this file without my explicit permission! History: 13.04.2011 - Release "Low Specular Alternative" 10.04.2011 - Release Version 1.0 Contact: Additional Credits: Thanks to Bioware for creating Dragon Age 2. Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on. Tools Used: Photoshop Dragon Age ReadMe Generator Gibbed Bioware Erf Packer

Credits: Pineappletree

File name Downloads Added
PTs Vibrant Hair 4 22 Apr 2015