Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will get its first piece of post-release DLC this week, letting you play as a doppelganger of Borderlands 2 bad guy Handsome Jack.
The Doppelganger DLC pack drops on November 11 across all platforms. Jack’s signature skill lets him spawn some “Digi-Jacks” to take on enemies.
There’s no information on exactly how we’ll be able to customise everyone’s favourite irritating, mouthy antagonist, but developer Gearbox has teased the following:
“Depending on how you spec out your Skill Trees, these Digi-Jacks can earn you bonuses or even get you a Second Wind in Fight For Your Life. “Jack” can also shoot enemies with wrist lasers, get buffs every time he picks up money (in typical CEO fashion), or even get upgrades for using guns made by specific manufacturers.”
Jack’s part of the $29.99 Pre-Sequel Season Pass of course, but if you don’t intend to pick that up you can grab hold of the DLC individually for $9.99. Still on the way are; “another character, a level cap upgrade, a new campaign, and more!” That extra character might be the Baroness…