Pirated video games have been around for a very long time. Regardless of developers’ efforts to safeguard their properties and make sure customers are buying their games legally, there have always been ways around whatever systems have been set-up to safeguard video games. That may be changing though thanks to the anti-tamper technology, Denuvo.
Denuvo comes from Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH based in Austria. The company has used their technology to safegaurd games like Dragon Age: Inquisition and though Inquisition was eventually compromised, it took over a month: a long time for most pirated software. However, Denuvo has only continued to improve and the latest iteration was used to safeguard Square Enix’s Just Cause 3 and FIFA 16.
It was posted on a Torrent community website recently that Chinese software hacking group 3DM has been completely unable to compromise the security of Just Cause 3 and bring Denuvo down. The founder of the group, running by the handle ‘Bird Sister’ has expressed that not only is cracking Just Cause 3 proving to be too much of a challenge, but the future of pirated games in general is bleak with the constant improvements being made to systems like Denuvo.
Denuvo is an expensive system to put in a game, so not all companies employ that kind of security, but seeing the success of the product is only going to continue to build its reputation and use in triple-A titles. Considering the trend at which popularity moves in the gaming world and considering it’s been a month since Just Cause 3 came out and over 3 months since FIFA 16, It may very well be that video game piracy is going to die out when it comes to large scale games.