Company: Nordic Games


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New Darksiders Collector’s Edition Priced at £66,600

New Darksiders Collector’s Edition Priced at £66,600

I am currently unsure if it's November or April and someone is playing an April Fools joke. THQ Nordic are the culprits of said joke with their new Darksiders: Warmastered Special edition being priced at £66,600. The purchase comes with a Darksiders-branded bespoke horse stable, yes that's right, a real horse stable.

Meet The Dwarves: Boindil Twoblade

Meet The Dwarves: Boindil Twoblade

THQ Nordic have released a new character-centric video for their upcoming real-time tactics RPG: The Dwarves which is set to release on December 1st.

Red Faction No Longer Harmful To Youth Says Germany

Red Faction No Longer Harmful To Youth Says Germany

Germany's Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien) have removed the now 10-year-old Red Faction from their 'index'.

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