Company: Wemade Entertainment
Riders of Icarus
Take the battle to the sky with fantastical flying mount combat unlike anything you’ve seen before.
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Riders of Icarus Celebrates 1 Million Player Milestone With New Content Update

It's only been 1 month since the open beta of Riders of Icarus landed, and while it wasn't certain to see the same success it saw in Asia as Icarus Online, if the recently surpassed milestone is anything to go by, it could be onto something similar. Partnering with popular MMO portal Nexon America, WeMade brought Riders of Icarus to Western audiences with moderate success over the last month. Citing player feedback as a reason why the in-game Cash Shop is being reworked into a less 'Pay2Win' situation alongside the addition of Action Mode combat.
Riders of Icarus’ open beta goes live, check out the new trailer

Ever wanted to tame a beast to help you save the world from devastation? What if you could ride those beasts to unite all people within your nation? Well now you can! Nexon America and WeMade Entertainment are launching the open beta for Riders of Icarus, the only MMO out there that lets you rule from the skies and the ground in battle. Players can contribute to the way this MMO is built by getting in at this early stage. Already in the closed alpha stage, the developers have already begun implementing several changes requested by the community, including: