Act of Aggression Latest Updates
Eugen Systems considering Chimera faction buff for Act of Aggression, bug fixing remains the priority

Despite old-school RTS Act of Aggression's generally positive reception, players have highlighted a few outstanding issues. One of those is that the Chimera faction seems a little underpowered compared to its rivals. Ah, balance issues. Who'd be a game designer, eh? Developer Eugen Systems highlights general polish and bug-fixing as its top priority right now, but the Chimera haven't been forgotten.
AS2Gaming is kicking off a 2v2 Act of Aggression tournament on September 25

Gaming league AS2Gaming is kicking off an Act of Aggression 2v2 Tournament on September 25, which is open for anyone to participate, whether you're some kind of 3 billion clicks-per-minute RTS superstar, or a ham-fingered incompetent like me. The tournament will have live stream coverage on Twitch, Youtube casts and a $75 prize for the winners. If you don't have a partner to compete with, there's a free agent form to help you find a team-mate.
Act of Aggression launch trailer is out all-out future warfare

Eugen Systems' classic-style RTS Act of Aggression is out tomorrow, and if this adrenaline-pumping launch trailer doesn't get you in the mood for tank rushes and tactical nukes, nothing will. There's all manner of cool toys on display here from among the game's three factions; the US Army, the UN task force known as Chimera, and the tech-happy, PMC bad guys known as the Cartel.
Act of Aggression pre-order Beta updated to include the Cartel, the game's final faction

Eugen Systems has released a profile video for the last of old-school RTS Act of Aggression's three factions, the shadowy Private Military Corporation (hey, it's a modern video game, there had to be a PMC, right?) known as the Cartel. As you would expect from a band of mercenaries, these guys rely less on resources to build up their armies than cold, hard cash. To balance things out, their base of operations will require stacks of Aluminium to function properly.
When all else fails, Act of Aggression's devastating superweapons will solve your problems

When running over your opponent in an advanced battle tank or firing missiles at him from a helicopter just isn't enough, it's time to bring out the superweapons, and Eugen Systems' upcoming RTS Act of Aggression has three to choose from. "Tactical super-weapons are a viable option for defensive players who wish to exhaust the enemy’s economy while they stockpile tactical weaponry rounds for a surprise strike,"[/b[ explains the developer, "as well as players rich in the game’s primary resources to finish off their opponent with a bang. To defend yourself from your enemies’ tactical strikes, one anti-super weapon unit is also available per faction."