ARK: Survival Evolved Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 26 2,541 Mar 23, 2025
New Areas / Scenarios 6 56 Mar 18, 2025
New Buildings 12 127 Mar 14, 2025
New Gear / Armor 9 158 Mar 18, 2025
New Weapons 2 49 Mar 09, 2025
All Mods 55 2,931 13.5 GB Mar 23, 2025

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Not sure which mods to try out? Check our list of Best ARK: Survival Evolved Mods

Latest mods

Advanced Engram Unlocker

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Tired of having to go through and deal with engrams on a regular basis in ARK? Maybe it's time to streamline the process. What this mod does is automatically unlock new engrams based on your level when you level-up. Not only will you have access to them. You won't have to bother with crafting or consuming anything to get them. Get rid of all that busy work, focus on the rewards, and get back to the action!

Party of Six

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Magic is nice, but what if you could take on a whole spectrum of fantasy-fiction goodness in your ARK game? This mod makes it possible! With it, you'll get a selection of six different classes to choose from, each with their own strengths. The Brawler can use melee weapons to deal wicked damage. The Controller can shift terrain, slow enemies, or speed up allies to change the tide of a battle to their liking. Hurting? Employ a Mender to heal your wounds and then reap destruction with the magical powers and fire of a mighty Arcanist! All these and more will allow you to truly make ARK a fantasy-fiction adventure worth the journey.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Your quarry and catches are about to get a bit more complex than usual. Zoology is a mod that comprehensively changes dinosaur behavior. Creatures both tamed and in the wild will feature stress levels that affect their reaction to outside influences. The smart ones will when they're hungry and the prey will run when it senses danger. Moreover, Zoology offers you new ways to adapt to these new behaviors and even control them in various ways. Learn a pack mule engram to train your pets to carry more or learning a hunting engram to teach them to track food and quarry for you. Animal interaction with you and each other is about to get a lot more interesting.

Urban Death Match

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

This land has become an arena, but not for the dinos. It will be here that you will pit your hunter and survival instincts up against other beings. Whether you team up or go it alone in this surviving urban sprawl in the midst of the Island, who will survive to claim victory and tell the tail? Besides offering the area, this mod offers various options to allow human players to fight and kill one another in competitive settings.

Elevator Plus

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Want a sleek and clean way to get to where you're going or transport goods inside your stronghold? Then it's time to invest in some hydraulics and raise your base to new heights! This mod offers several types of new elevators, complete with several different cabins and platforms to ensure that you'll have enough room to haul most situations up through your base.

Permanent Bosses

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Get ready to lay claim to the biggest, baddest creatures in ARK without fear of losing them for their sheer strength and pride. This mod offers new versions of all bosses that can be permanently tamed and brought under your control. Dragons, DodoRexes, Broodmother Lysrix, and more will be under your command forevermore, should you find the means to bring them under your will.

Swim Clear Scuba Mask

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

If you love swimming, but tire of all the distortion in your vision every time you go under water, then these new scuba masks will help you greatly. This mod adds scuba masks with various levels of screen masking. More importantly, they clarify your vision under the water completely to allow you to see clean and clear as you swim and frolic in the deadly ARK seas.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Now here's a fascinating and fantastic new slew of building options for when you get to crafting metal fortresses. This mod offers various metal surfaces, walls, ceilings, and doors with glass sections that are just as strong as metal, while also allowing you some ports of vision to see out into the world and peep various threats as they arrive.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Simply put, if you build bases near rivers or elevated areas or have ever wanted to, this mod is an absolute must have. It offers various wooden, stone, and metal bridges for spanning gaps and making them easily crossed. Not only good for bases, but spanning any gap you intend to cross on a regular basis.

Ammo Pools

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

If you've ever wanted to create a defense grid of customized and automated death, then this mod will help you along. It offers a box that can supply surplus ammo to your various turrets, as well as allowing you to customize various features on them, such as warning time, targeting distance, and more to keep your base safe.