Battlefield 3 Summary
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Battlefield 6 Rumored to Return to Modern Setting, Have Maps Designed for 128 Players

Rumors suggest that Battlefield 6 will feature maps that support up to 128 players and that a battle royale component was in development at some stage.
EA donates $1.65 million to American Cancer Society following Humble campaign

A total of $10.5 million has been carved up between five different charities in the wake of the Humble Bundle sale that included some of EA's biggest PC games, of which they kept none of the revenue. Peter Moore tweeted he's "so proud of Team EA" for raising the $10.5m from the charity campaign, with $1.65m of that going to the American Cancer Society.
Analyst Michael Pachter believes Visceral is likely expanding into Battlefield

Dead Space dev Visceral Games has already been involved in some Battlefield development as they helped out DICE with Battlefield 3 DLC. Now they might be tackling something far more substantial. This is the belief held by Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, who initially said it was Criterion Games that was getting in on the military series. This would suggest an annual launch.
Gustavsson: DICE "should be slapped" for "worst set ups ever" in Battlefield 3

All those progressive unlocks in Battlefield 3? Creative director Lars Gustavsson reckons the DICE studio "should be slapped" for coming up with "probably the worst set ups ever" in planning them out. He pointed out the ridiculous nature of beginner pilots having to earn counter-measures by 'acting as an ace pilot' the moment they step into the cockpit, as a prime example.
EA: Activision "thinking about us now" after Battlefield 3

EA Games boss Patrick Soderlund isn't going to be waving any white flags in the war for shooter supremacy, especially not after how well Battlefield 3 was received. It's put EA 'back on Activision's radar'. The competition "brings the best out" of talent, he remarks. EA "made a dent" with Battlefield 3 in Call of Duty's FPS armour, and now it's about "a balanced portfolio".