BioShock Infinite Features

Interview: We sat down with level designer Shaun Elliott to discuss how Irrational has gone about succeeding BioShock.
Back in summer of 2007 Irrational scooped up countless plaudits and awards with its gloomy yet inspired first-person shooter BioShock. After almost six years they’ve returned with BioShock Infinite. We sat down with level designer Shaun Elliott to discuss how Irrational has gone about succeeding BioShock, the seemingly dramatic shift in tone and how the team has created a relatable AI in Elizabeth....

Preview: It's a BioShock game alright. It even kicks off with a trip to a lighthouse, although this time you approach by paddle and leave by rocket.
The world of Columbia lies in stark contrast to Rapture, certainly, but only on a surface level. Where Andrew Ryan's failed, subaqueous dystopia was made up of gloomy hallways - an undersea carcass, long dead by the time you popped by - Columbia is a world with a pulse. It's serene with a hint of Studio Ghibli's fantasticality about it; a skyborne archipelago held up by whirring...

Preview: E3 2011: Our man on the inside tells us about Bioshock: Infinite...
Let’s just be clear – Bioshock Infinite is without a doubt one of the best games I got to see at E3 2011. I don’t mean to start my E3 2011 write-ups here on Strategy Informer with the show stopper, but Bioshock Infinite is just too damn cool looking not to gush about straight away. I’m not even a real Bioshock fan – I thought the first game was...