Call of Duty: Elite Summary
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You'll Be Fighting From Five Sides In Call Of Duty: WW2

Carrying on with the pre-E3 blowouts, it's time for Activision to tease more with tiny details pertaining to the Call of Duty fans have wanted for years.
Call of Duty: Elite for Black Ops 2 will be free, Season Pass separate

Activision has made the brilliant move of separating Call of Duty: Elite from the premium service Season Pass style of subscription, making all of the Elite services completely free of charge. In addition, the publisher has added new features including player and clan headquarters, Call of Duty: Elite TV and Zombies leaderboards.
Activision release teaser for Call of Duty: Elite's Noobtube channel

Web-show Noobtube will be the home to all the embarrassing moments in Call of Duty, confirms a teaser trailer for the Call of Duty: Elite TV show. Stupidity earns noobs infamy. Clan mates can send in clips of total noob moments for the world of Call of Duty fans to see in this web-show. Now would be a good time to practice your throwing arm, grenade spammers.
EA may bring Battlefield Premium-style services to other games

Electronic Arts exec Frank Gibeau thanks Activision for debuting Call of Duty: Elite, states Battlefield 3's Premium service is better, and that similar services may debut on other EA licenses.
E3 2012: No Call of Duty XP convention this year

Last year, Activision held its first Call of Duty convention, Call of Duty: XP, which showed off both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and the new Call of Duty: Elite service. This year there will not be a convention, despite the success of last year's event.