Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham Features

Interview: Part Two of Two - Sons of Abraham and Beyond.
In Part One of our Two-part feature on Crusader Kings II ‘Phase Two’, we talked to Henrik about their DLC plan for the future, past and present, and what their thinking is behind it. In Part Two, let’s look at Sons of Abraham itself in more detail, what it brings to the table, and what that could mean going forward. Henrik himself actually see this expansion more like the fifth expansion...

Interview: Part One of Two – Crusader Kings II and the 'Master Plan'
On November 18th 2013, Paradox Development studios will release their sixth major content expansion for their hit strategy title, Crusader Kings II. Titled, Sons of Abraham, it marks a transition of sorts between the initially planned post-launch content, and the start of a new series of expansions that will last through to at least this time next year, if not 2015. Considering Paradox...