Dishonored Features

Preview: Dishonor me.
I’ll be honest – I didn’t get the hype surrounding Dishonored. When I first glimpsed it at last year’s Gamescom, I was interested, but not overwhelmed. New IP is always good, and stealth-based action gameplay always presents a good challenge and Dishonored presented challenges by the bucket load, but in the months since, my fellow colleagues have been singing its praises. When I...

Preview: Deus Ex design legend Harvey Smith shows us the ropes.
Bethesda are hoping for more than a sneaky sleeper hit with their upcoming first person stealth action game Dishonored. Fortunately, developer Arkane Studios might just have the chops to make it stand out in a stealth and assassin saturated market. Joint lead producer on the project is Harvey Smith, one of the figureheads behind PC classic Deus Ex....