Dragon Age II Summary
Dragon Age II Review
Pick the sword, dagger or staff as you journey to become the champion of Kirkwall...
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Dragon Age 2 Lead Writer Shares Changes He'd Make If the Sequel Was Given the Snyder Cut Treatment

Dragon Age 2 Lead Writer David Gaider also shared some of the changes he'd make to the divisive title, provided a chance to give it the Snyder Cut treatment.
Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider moves on to "new, upcoming BioWare project"

David Gaider has been the lead writer on Bioware's fantasy RPG series Dragon Age since its inception, writing the main story for every single installment. So it's a big deal to see him leave the franchise for new pastures. He's not moving too far away, though - according to his Twitter page he's staying within the company to work on a "new, upcoming BioWare project."
Exploration in RPGs the "biggest change" in genre, says Dragon Age developer BioWare

A whole generation of RPG gamers was first introduced to the genre thanks to Bethesda's Skyrim, a title which has sold millions and has led to "totally different expectations" in storytelling and exploration, says BioWare's Mark Darrah. That's why Dragon Age: Inquisition has gone 'back to scale' with its explorable worlds, as RPGs have 'shrunk' over the years in sacrifice to fidelity. BioWare is now gunning for both.
Alistair "not a party member" in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Morrigan art released

Executive producer Mark Darrah has confirmed that Dragon Age: Origin's Alistair is "not a party member" for the Inquisitor in the upcoming sequel, but that doesn't rule out a possible cameo appearance. BioWare has also announced an initiative to help fan artists and cosplayers by releasing "detailed, descriptive, high-resolution character designs" before it launches.
Dragon Age Keep will allow players to customize Dragon Age: Inquisition backstory

BioWare has announced Dragon Age Keep, which will serve the same function as the interactive comics from the Mass Effect series, allowing players who did not play the previous games - or people who just want to tailor the backstory - have a backstory for Dragon Age: Inquisition.