Dreamlords Features

Interview: Our chat with Jon Selin, the Lead Designer of Dreamlords, brought a few questions about the MMORPG-RTS title answered.
Strategy Informer: Hello! Please introduce yourself and your role behind Dreamlords to our readers.Jon Selin: My name is Jon Selin and I'm the Lead Designer of Dreamlords. My job is to maintain the overall vision of the game and to communicate it to the rest of the team. I also work a lot with the game balance, write the...

Preview: As a deity of an island, you control the population and resources in a typical RTS style, slowly building up a formidable army before you unleash war upon rival other players.
An MMORTS may sound like a strange concept, but in this world filled with cookie-cutter online RPG's that all live in the shadow of Blizzard's monolithic title - World of Warcraft - Dreamlords looks set to be a deeply refreshing breath of fresh air. As a deity of an island, you control the population and resources in a typical RTS style, slowly...