OZombie Summary
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American McGee "would have cancelled" OZombie even at $900k funding

Alice: Otherlands has been successful on Kickstarter but only because American McGee and his studio Spicy Horse scrapped their currently running OZombie campaign, which sought $900k. The problem though is that $900k wouldn't have been enough for the game to see completion, but asking for $1.5 million would lead to people thinking 'he's crazy'. Otherlands ended with $222,377.
American McGee's Alice: Otherlands film completes Kickstarter funding successfully

American McGee's third chapter in his self-proclaimed "Alice Trilogy", Alice: Otherlands, has finished its Kickstarter fundraising drive after a relatively short 20 day period. It finished with $220K backing; the Kickstarter goal was $200K.
Spicy Horse "sacrifices" Oz Kickstarter for "real chance with Alice"

American McGee's Kickstarter campaign for an 'Oz Action Adventure' has been terminated early. With 20 days left it had achieved just 15% of its $950k goal, and trending suggested only 30% funding by the end. As it wasn't going to be a success, McGee decided to gamble even further by ending it now and launching another Kickstarter to "campaign for the Alice films rights" instead.
McGee: Talks with EA over Alice IP "continue to this day"

American McGee is currently leading Spicy Horse on OZombie, their Kickstarter project which $950k isn't going to be enough to see completed but it's enough to, well, kick start it. What about Alice? McGee tells us he'd love to throw Alice into her own Kickstarter but "being realistic" about the legal hurdles, he decided to pursue OZombie. He's "confident we'll get something worked out".
Spicy Horse may need to seek publishing partner for OZombie

While $950,000 may seem like a lot of money, but it's not a massive amount when it comes to making games. Spicy Horse have recently started a Kickstarter for the Oz-set game titled OZombie and eyebrows have been raised at the scope versus the goal price.