Section 8 Latest Updates
TimeGate Studios forced to pay $7M after appeal fails

Section 8 developer TimeGate Studios won its appeal last year in arbitration over a ruling it pay Southpeak $7.35M in damages as well as the Section 8 IP.
Timegate wins court battle with SouthPeak over Section 8

Developer Timegame Studios has been victorious in a lawsuit that pitted then against publisher SouthPeak Interactive. It was over the Section 8 IP and claimed 'unpaid revenue'. The initial deal was between Timegate and Gamecock but the latter became insolvent and was bought by SouthPeak. An arbiter ruled against Timegate, but then a Judge squashed it.
TimeGate ad talks level, UI design for Aliens: Colonial Marines

Gearbox Software's shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines for SEGA appears to have outsourced some of its project to Section 8 developer TimeGate Studios. This has been hinted at before but Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford wouldn't reveal specifics. A job ad for TimeGate mentioned level design and the user interface.
Assault Mode Unlocked in Section 8: Prejudice

TimeGate have just announced that they have unlocked a brand new mode for their downloadable multiplayer-focused shooter, Section 8: Prejudice. TimeGate told the Section 8 community that it had to reach 10 million kills across all platforms in order unlock the new 'Assault' mode.
Section 8: Prejudice revealed for 2011 (UPDATE)

SouthPeak have announced Section 8: Prejudice but didn't mention on what platforms it world arrive although Xbox 360, PS3 and PC are likely. A debut trailer for Prejudice has gone up lecturing us on evolution and war and how it never changes, hmm - that sound bite sounds familiar.