Serious Sam: Double D Summary
Serious Sam: Double D Review
Vuvuzela sandwich monsters, robot dinosaurs, jetpack monkeys, headless topless women with big bombs, Chris Capel’s shot them all.
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Serious Sam 4 in development, aided by Humble Bundle sale

Croteam is developing Serious Sam 4, which was in-part funded by the current Humble Bundle sale, which has so far raised $181,000 USD.
Serious Sam: Double D demo now on Steam

A demo for Serious Sam: Double D is now available on Steam, according to a press release. The side-scrolling shoot 'em up was released earlier this year.
Serious Sam: Double D release date announced

Croteam has announced that developer Devolver Digital's Serious Sam Double D will launch on PC on Tuesday, August 30. Double D, the first game in the Serious Sam Indie Series, will be available on all major digital distributors for $7.99.
Serious Sam: Double D gameplay trailer released

Publisher Croteam and developer Mommy's Best Games have released a new gameplay video of the Serious Sam-licensed side scrolling action title, Serious Sam: Double D. With such enemies as "Chimputees" and "Vuvuzelators", the irreverent humor of the shooter is still there, as is the mindless hordes and carnage.