ShootMania Storm Summary
ShootMania Storm Review
Shootmania Storm combines the creativity of the Trackmania series with a traditional FPS experience, so does it stack up to the competition?.
Latest Updates
Shootmania Storm "Elite" demo now available for download on Strategy Informer

Ubisoft have announced the release of the ShootMania: Storm "Elite" demo, which features a 3vs. 3 game mode, matchmaking, dedicated rankings and progression levels.
Shootmania Storm enters open beta

UbiSoft has announced that the do-it-yourself shooter Shootmania Storm is now in open beta, and gamers can download the software from the official site.
Ubisoft pushes back ShootMania Storm release to April 10th

Publisher Ubisoft announces that an open beta for ShootMania Storm will be starting up February 12th and will run all the way until launch, which is no longer this month but in early April. The first-person shooter is based off developer Nadeo's TrackMania series. Storm is the first of three environment-based releases for ShootMania. It uses TrackMania's map editor.
ShootMania Storm gets 23rd January 2013 launch

UbiSoft has announced that their do-it-yourself shooter, ShootMania Storm, will be arriving on the 23rd January 2013.
Ubisoft shows off Shootmania Storm's editor in new trailer

UbiSoft has released a new video showing off Shootmania Storm's level editor, as well as the user sharing feature allowing gamers to upload and download hot levels.