Sonic Mania Mods

Best mods

Sonic.EXE Mania

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

It was bound to happen eventually. The Sonic.EXE creepy pasta has been around for quite some time. For those not in the know, Sonic.EXE is a creepy horror themed version of Sonic the Hedgehog. Now it's been reimagined for Sonic Mania! New sprites for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles come to play, music has been overhauled, and more to bring this creepy little viral hit back to life on the new Mania style. Be aware, this mod uses the Sonic Mania Mod Loader to load and play properly.

Hyper Sonic in Sonic Mania

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Super Sonic is neat, but is Super Sonic really good enough? Maybe and maybe not, but for the "maybe not"s out there, this mod exists, bringing in the one and only Hyper Sonic to replace Super Sonic. What's the difference? Hyper Sonic is a stronger version featuring all of the emerald colors in a flashing state to represent their truly chaotic power coursing through his speeding little hedgehog body.

Metal Mania | Metal Sonic

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest baddies in all of Sonic history has always been his cybernetic counterpart, Metal Sonic. Now you can take on his sinister metal visage and run rampant over all fools who stand in your way. This mod swaps Sonic for Metal Sonic in all of his cold and shiny glory! Be aware, you'll need the Sonic Mania Mod Loader for this mod to work properly!

Sonic Mania Mod Loader

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

When it comes to mods for Sonic Mania now and in the future, this is going to be a resource you're going to want to have on hand. The Sonic Mania Mod Loader is a tool used to easily launch mods that are made to be compatible with it. There are a few mods out already that rely on the Sonic Mania Mod Launcher to use, so make sure you have it just in case you see a mod that needs it!

Mania Mod Studio

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Now this is a fine suite for the hopeful Sonic Mania mod creators out there! This helpful set of tools supplies a nifty framework from which modders can create and combine mods alongside a number of other fine tools such as converting files, ordering mods by priority, and backing up original files in order to safeguard your game and creations. Moreover, it's built to work with most mods and create new ones that require the Sonic Mania Mod Loader!

Rosy The Rascal AKA Classic Amy

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Back in the day, Amy had a different and slightly more punkish look to her. She would eventually be redesigned into the more quaint version we know, but Rosy the Rascal took on her old style as a somewhat psychotic "Anti-Amy". This mod brings Rosy/Classic Amy into the game in all her glory. She'll take the place of Sonic with a full set of animated sprites to fill the role with her sweet old-school style.

Ultimate Cheat Table V2 For Sonic Mania

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Get ready to jump outside the boundaries with your Sonic Mania games. This mod offers up a cheat table that allows you to bend various rules in the game. Transform into Super Sonic on a handful of rings, jump super high, and get chaos emeralds with ease as you play around with these various game benders to your advantage.

True Blue Sonic & Rad Red Knuckles

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

For those of you that want a richer palette out of your favorite Sonic heroes, this mod just might deliver. It swaps Sonic's powder blue look for a rich "True Blue" color and swaps out Knuckles' faded red with the lush "Rad Red" look. Both characters pop and shine much more in the beautiful Sonic Mania universe than their somewhat faded counterparts.

Boss Rush Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Want to take on a gauntlet of Sonic Mania's big baddies? This will be just the thing then. This mod offers up a neat Boss Rush mode that allows you to take on most of Sonic's worst enemies on his journey. Go through and defeat this series of dastardly foes and try to make it all the way to the end of the challenge! Be aware, you need the Sonic Mania Mod Loader in order to load or play this mod properly.

Falling with style

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

The air walk sprites coming off of an idle fall from a spring or platform have always looked a little weird. This mod aims to make a tasteful change and make Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles look stylish when falling with new sprite animations for those exact occasions. Be aware, this mod requires the Sonic Mania Mod Loader in order to load and play properly.