Steel Division: Normandy 44 Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 17 118 Mar 23, 2025
GUI Mods 2 8 Feb 10, 2025
New Areas / Scenarios 1 2 Jan 26, 2025
New Units 1 6 Mar 23, 2025
All Mods 21 134 515 MB Mar 23, 2025

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Not sure which mods to try out? Check our list of Best Steel Division: Normandy 44 Mods

Latest mods

Unlimited supply + Infantry Reinforcing

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

What you read is what you're getting with this simple, yet effective mod. If you're tired of being choked off by lack of ammo and a shortage of troop reinforcement, then this will break the barriers to get you where you need to be. With unlimited supplies and troop reinforcement, you'll have no problem staying in the fight with relative ease.

10vs10 Unlocker

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Looking to host a military brawl of epic proportions? Then get ready to unlock a 10 vs 10 custom map for use in your player match and custom games! This mod makes the 10 v 10 Sword map available for selection in player-hosted custom matches and skirmish, allowing you to truly get crazy with a cavalcade of enemies and allies in all-out war.

Divisions in Normandy

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

If you're looking for even more diversity in divisions for your Normandy campaign, this mod aims to up the ante and give you what you need. New and interestingly varied divisions for USA, Great Britain, and Germany are included to change up your game and allow you to create new tactical strategies for any given scenario. And with even more divisions on the way for this mod, it will be one to watch for a while.

Music & Sound Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

If you're looking for a more immersion and realism out of the sounds of Normandy 44, this will go a long way. This mod replaces and retools many of the game's sounds to give them more impact and authenticity. Moreover, it reworks the soundtrack of the game a bit with various higher quality tracks to build the tension further as you play.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

As authentic as Eugen went with a lot of names for most of the equipment and vehicles during WWII, some are inaccurate or monikers that came after the wars were over. This mod aims to correct various tanks, guns, bombers, and other units to their accurate war time designation for the game.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago
  • 1 download

Sometimes an identifier (or several) can overdo it. This mod is built towards removing some visual clutter from units. It removes the glow from occluded units and the colored tint that is added to building when units are garrisoned inside of them. With such big tags above them, you probably don't need these other effects to tell where your troops and weapons of war are at.

Unlock the M4A3(76)W on Phase A

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Another helpful mod out of Eugen Systems themselves comes to Normandy 44. This one allows players to unlock the potently powerful M4A3(76)W in Phase A for just 60 points for use in your combat and strategy. Punch holes in your enemy's armor and defenses and role over them in this well-priced steel cavalry.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

This mod goes out of its way to rework phases in Normandy 44 and make give both sides more strategic opportunities to lay down some heavy offense or sure up defense for forthcoming onslaughts. Germans and Allies will both have a preparation phase, as well as a phase where each is quite a bit stronger and the full extent of their arsenals are unlocked, making for a more interesting give and take of advantage in battles.


  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago
  • 1 download

There's an odd thing about the Kfz 70 and Maultier armored trucks towing the Flak 41 and Flak 36 respectively. Those trucks weren't truly capable of towing such heavy cannons effectively. This mod replaces them in both situations with the Sd Kfz 70, which was actually designed to handle both loads. The names on these units have been altered to reflect changes and the operating crews and costs of both guns are now in line with other guns as well to make for a more visually and statistically realistic set of guns.

Minimap Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Here's a little something from Eugen Systems themselves to help with your overall screen real estate. This mod moves the minimap from the top right corner down to the bottom left corner. It's something of a preference, but it will allow you to free up space in one spot of the screen where there's a lot of clutter to fill a spot that doesn't have a lot going on and won't be in the way of your tactics and strategizing.