The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Features

Preview: Chris Capel gets a hands-on with the game previously known as [CLASSIFIED].
In 2010 what should have been celebration for X-Com fans turned to bitterness as they saw their classic strategy series turned into “yet another” first-person shooter. I must’ve been one of the few who thought the new XCOM looked incredibly cool, with its ‘50s setting and weird X-Files vibe. 2012 however turned the tables - Civilization creators Firaxis...

Interview: Chris Capel chats with 2K Games' Nico Bihary on the game previously known as XCOM.
Halfway through my hands-on of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified I was rather startled by someone tapping on my arm saying that it was time for my interview with Nico Bihary from 2K Games. I’d anticipated the interview, but not being called in the middle of the preview and before I’d managed to think up half my questions. Luckily I’d prepared enough to last, but I don’t think Nico...