The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 20 81 Nov 18, 2024
Graphic Mods 9 83 Jun 24, 2024
New Areas / Scenarios 3 9 Oct 31, 2024
New Buildings 1 2 Oct 26, 2024
New Gear / Armor 4 15 Jan 06, 2025
New Weapons 3 12 Sep 20, 2024
All Mods 40 202 4.14 GB Oct 31, 2024

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Not sure which mods to try out? Check our list of Best The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Mods

Latest mods

Helgen Reborn

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Find it unfortunate that following the events of the start of the game, Helgen just remains destroyed forevermore? Well now you can finally restore this small city and fort to its glory in a quest spanning six dungeons and over 6 hours. With this mod, you'll decide the fate of Helgen, bringing it back to Imperial rule, liberating it for the Stormcloaks, or simply keeping it independent with a fully voiced quest that will immerse you in its reconstruction.

A Quality World Map

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Now we're not saying the world map in Skyrim is the worst, but it could certainly always be better. With this mod, the world map of Skyrim gets a redesign in both its original 3D style and a new cloth map that offers a immersive and rustic approach to navigation in Skyrim. The original 3D map gets a sharper look that details the textures, elevations, and features of the map far better while the paper map offers a painstakingly crafted re-imagining of the entire world's elements in a cool and accurate design.

Vivid Landscapes - All in One

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Now this is built towards making every little piece of ground in the Skyrim world pop more than it ever will in the vanilla version. If you're searching for one of the greatest of landscape redesigning mods, this is the one to get. It retextures nearly every from mountains and creek beds, to grass land and dungeons, to farmhouses and tundra and everything in between with high quality textures that bring greater life and feel to the entire visual aesthetic of Skyrim.

Vivid Weathers Special Edition

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago
  • 1 download

In a world as beautiful and outdoorsy as Skyrim is, weather effects are everything. From a bright, sunny day to the darkest of fogs, these effects bring a new dimension of life to Skyrim. This mod aims to enhance that feeling even further than ever before. The weather effects receive an overhaul that brings an all new higher quality to their overall visual aesthetic, immersing you in the natural life of Skyrim like never before.

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Get ready for NPCs that react exactly the way they should in most situations, not to mention just make more realistic decisions in their every day interactions. This mod features hours upon hours put into upping the realism of NPC interaction throughout the world. From guards, to bandits, to regular citizens, this mod builds towards a Skyrim populace that isn't dumb as rocks when it comes to any given scenario.

Enhanced Blood Textures SE

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Get ready for a far more bloody adventure than ever before. This mod aims to bring an all new level of visceral visuals to your Skyrim experience. New and rich blood textures come to the game alongside context sensitive appearance and volume. A killing blow will cause pools where damaged enemies will drip upon the floor. Moreover, insects and machines get specialized green blood and oil dripping respectively to keep the immersion strong.

Immersive Armors

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Tired of seeing the exact same armor pieces scattered around Skyrim at every turn? Want some new styles to gird yourself with without breaking immersion of the game? No problem. This mod adds over 60 new armor variants good for levels from 1 to over 50 that are lore friendly and unique to the game. Arm yourself with any number of new looks and discover new styles spread thoughtfully throughout the land that will spice up the defensive variety of your Skyrim experience.

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Tired of seeing characters go flying through the environment like pumpkins launched out of a catapult from pretty much any attack? This mod works to tone things down a bit and supply some realistic physics to the game. Simply put, an attack like the unrelenting force shout or a heavy hit from a large hammer will still send enemies flying while a dagger stab or a stealth arrow will not. Each ragdoll launch is appropriately balanced to ensure a realistic consideration of force applied from whatever source of damage delivers it.

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Want blades that actually look like they could cut something instead of just bludgeoning it bluntly? Then you want the Better-Shaped Weapons mod. This mod redesigns most of the weapons in Skyrim to give them a thinner and sharper profile that looks like it could actually sunder a being if you swung it at them. From daggers to great axes, every weapon gets an altogether better redesign to make them look truly menacing.

Run For Your Lives

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Why the heck would anyone who wasn't Dragonborn or even a warrior or guard hang around to get destroyed by a legendary mythical beast? The answer is they wouldn't and shouldn't. This mod aims to fix the stupidity of the NPC AI when it comes to dragon attacks in exactly that way. Now, NPC citizens won't try to be heroes and rush off to their death, instead fleeing to their homes, the inn, or the nearest safe structure to avoid being cooked to a crisp, much like they ought to!