The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter Summary
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XSEED Localization Team Has "Zero Tolerance For Censorship"

The localization team for XSEED's games such as JRPGs Ys, Legend of Heroes and Zwei believe that games are art and should not be censored, but acknowledge that it's becoming harder to justify a "zero tolerance" policy.
XSEED Announces Trails of Cold Steel And Trails In The Sky 3rd For A Summer PC Release

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The Second Chapter of the popular JRPG Trails In The Sky arrives October 29

Developed by legendary RPG specialists Nihon Falcom, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in The Sky SC will finally be arriving on 29 October 29, over a year since the First Chapter was released in 29 July 2014.
The game picks up mere hours after the conclusion to The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, with Estelle traveling across Liberl in search of Joshua. Her journey involves more than seeking loved ones, however, as the Bracer Guild also tasks her with unraveling the mysteries behind the newly unveiled Society of Ouroboros.