The Lord of the Rings Online Features

Interview: As the European version of LOTRO F2P goes live, we talk one of Codemaster's head honchos about the project...
Strategy Informer: Congratulations on becoming a Free2Play MMO! Was it a difficult decision? How long ago was it decided? David Solari: Thank you. We made the decision to incorporate the Free to Play model for LOTRO because we felt that a more open model would allow LOTRO to reach it’s true...

Preview: Gary Flavell attended the Lord of the Rings Online: Shawdows of Angmar press event in London to give you the insight into the Shawdows of Angmar world.
It’s not often that you get the chance to pick the mind of a man responsible for recreating a world you yourself have already invested so much time in. For many, reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy is more than simply a book. Within its pages is an alternative world where nothing is beyond comprehension, where everything is possible. You follow with baited breath as Frodo journeys through...

Preview: Does going free bode well for LOTRO or is it better off being thrown into Mount Doom? (PC)
Since arriving on the MMO scene in 2007, you can’t help but feel sorry for Lord of the Rings Online. Despite being one of the best online RPGs since Everquest, its highly polished exterior and loyal fan base have failed to draw subscribers away from World of Warcraft. Coming up against Blizzard’s behemoth is akin to climbing Everest – no matter what the IP, no-one seems to be able to stop...