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Reddit compiles list of games for GameSpy's May 31st shutdown

By the end of next month the matchmaking services of GameSpy will be switched off, and that means a number of PC titles won't function properly or at all online. Exactly how far-reaching is the GameSpy service? Reddit has put together a doomsday list that includes the likes of Halo, Star Wars: Battlefront, Stronghold, the Battlefield series, Crysis, Tom Clancy titles and Quake.
Ubisoft runs digital PC title sale, several 50% off until June 25th

In celebration of this year's E3 publisher Ubisoft has decided to spring a digital PC sale on us, with some of those on offer reduced by 50%. Assassin's Creed I and II are among them as well as Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. The sale ends tomorrow.