Warp Summary
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PSN Plus deals revealed on PlayStation US Blog

Sony has announced some new PlayStation Plus deals, as well as the free game of the month, Foosball 2012.
Notch: "Indies are saving gaming, EA is methodically destroying it"

Minecraft creator Markus 'Notch' Persson is angry with publisher EA for daring to put together an 'EA Indie Bundle' on Steam. "That's not how that works, EA," twittered the Mojang founder. He called them a "bunch of cynical b*stards." Notch added that indies are saving the industry, whilst EA are "methodically destroying it." Mojang's indie days are gone, admits Notch.
PlayStation Network 4th April update announced for North America

This week's North American PlayStation Update includes five games available for free on PlayStation Plus, as well as the release of Wheels Of Destruction, The Price Is Right Decades and I Am Alive on PSN. Also on PSN this week are demos for Warp and Time Machine, as well as one for I Am Alive. The major downloadable content released for this week include discounts for Mortal Kombat DLC.
Journey and Warp now on US PlayStation Store

This week's US PlayStation Store has thatgamecompany's Journey and EA's Warp front and centre, ready for the North American PS3 crowd to devour at $14.99 and $9.99 respectively. Also debuting this week on PSN: Shoot Many Robots, and Time Machine: Rogue Pilot. Uncharted 3 gets co-op DLC and Mega Man & Pac-Man hit Street Fighter X Tekken for free.
Warp teleporting onto PC and PSN on 13th March

The Xbox Live Arcade release of Warp was confirmed for the 15th February, which led some to wonder when PC and PlayStation 3 gamers would get to try out some teleportation puzzle gaming for themselves.