X-Men Arcade Summary
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Major Nelson reveals Marketplace content for 26th June to 9th July

Major Nelson has revealed the content that will be hitting Xbox Live Marketplace for the next two weeks from the 26th June to the 9th July. The most noteworthy content hitting Marketplace is the highly anticipated Dawnguard expansion for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which will run gamers a whole 1600 MSP ($19.99 USD), as well as the free Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut and the Close Quarters expansion for Battlefield 3 for 1200 MSP ($14.99 USD).
Xbox Live Arcade's December sales of new releases charted

How well did those new shiny digital titles do over the December period on Xbox Live Arcade? Thanks to math we can know the answer in fancy chart form. That's right no goat sacrifice needed on this one. Doritos' Crash Course was certainly the winner as it was free. What did Dead Rising: Case West manage?
Konami: X-Men Arcade arriving on Xbox Live Arcade next week

Finally there's a scribbled in date for 1992's X-Men Arcade arriving for the Xbox Live Arcade line-up, and it's December 15th. The PSN version still waits. This re-release of the early '90s classic supports 4-player local, 6-player online and drop-in multiplayer antics. Naturally it's gone all HD with leaderboards.