Yars Revenge Summary


Yars Revenge Review

Scooped out of the 1980s and given a total overhaul, Yar’s Revenge pipes up about being Atari’s biggest selling game on the 2600 all those years ago.

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Yars Revenge released on PC

Yars Revenge released on PC

The PC version of Yars Revenge has been released for digital download from Atari. The game had already been released on Xbox Live Arcade a few weeks ago. The game is a reimagined version of the Atari 2600 classic, going from a simple action game to a rail-shooter with anime artwork, featuring 2 player co-op gameplay.

Yars Revenge, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes hit XBLA

Yars Revenge, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes hit XBLA

Two re-imaginings of classic games are now available on Xbox Live Arcade, as Yars Revenge and Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes have been released, reports Major Nelson.

Ben Heck designs Atari 2600 mod for Xbox 360

Ben Heck designs Atari 2600 mod for Xbox 360

Noted console modder Ben Heck is at it again. This time, he's created an Xbox 360 that harkens back to the days of console yore: an Xbox 360 circa 1977 - that's also portable with its own LCD screen. Heck didn't do this project just for the... heck of it, either. It's also to promote the next-gen reboots of Yars Revenge and Star Raiders.

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