Download TrueLight eFFects V1 (PrePatch)

UPDATED VERSION 1.01 ----------------------------- - Fixed blur on tyres. - Workaround fix on Silverstone. -------------------------- RDDEV F1 MODDING GROUP --------------------------- THIS MOD WAS BUILD BY Gl4dia70r & R34P3R, and RDDev leave our big thanks for all hard work to release

Credits: THIS MOD WAS BUILD BY Gl4dia70r & R34P3R, and RDDev leave our big thanks for all hard work to release it! 1nkz - beezley - daftboy - R34P3R - Hami - rfactorbrteam - Dutch_Can looneycooney - luhkoala - Holli - delpinsky - Gl4dia70r - celix - Gopher04

File name Downloads Added
RDDev_Trueligth_v1_Motion_Blur_Fix.rar 30 30 Oct 2010