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Age of Empires 2 Dev Reveals Why Korean Civ Was Added Last Minute

Age of Empires 2 Dev Reveals Why Korean Civ Was Added Last Minute

A developer has shared how a last-minute decision affected Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors.

Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester reflects on the challenges of 2024 and what's next for the publisher

Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester reflects on the challenges of 2024 and what's next for the publisher

Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester is reflecting on past mistakes and promising changes in 2025 and beyond.

Paradox to celebrate '10 Years of Cities: Skylines' with March updates and celebrations, first game getting subscription service

Paradox to celebrate '10 Years of Cities: Skylines' with March updates and celebrations, first game getting subscription service

Cities: Skylines 2 still isn't where most diehard players want it to be, and its predecessor is 10 years old now, but Paradox is throwing a celebration this month loaded with content updates, a subscription option for the first game, and more.

 Door Kickers 2: Task Force North Patch Notes - Update v1.03 Released

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North Patch Notes - Update v1.03 Released

KillHouse Games has released update v1.03 for Door Kickers 2, fixing game bugs and improving stability for the PC release on Steam.

When will Door Kickers 2 be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S?

When will Door Kickers 2 be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S?

KillHouse Games' top-down tactical title has hit PC, but when will Door Kickers 2 be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S? GameWatcher has the answer.

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Country Pack Launches in Early March

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Country Pack Launches in Early March

India, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan are having their national focus trees update, allowing for different paths that follow history or diverge from it.

Kriegsfront Tactics brings Mecha Strategy RPG Action to PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch

Kriegsfront Tactics brings Mecha Strategy RPG Action to PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch

Toge Productions has confirmed its alt-history Mecha strategy RPG Kriegsfront Tactics will come to consoles as well as PC.

Hearts of Iron 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Hearts of Iron 4 Console Commands and Cheats

This handy list of Hearts of Iron 4 console commands and cheats will help you through World War 2's inevitable tough moments.

Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Seize the upper hand on the world stage with these Europa Universalis 4 console commands and cheats.

The 12 Best Strategy Games for Beginners

The 12 Best Strategy Games for Beginners

So, you want to get into Strategy Games, but don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, as we at GameWatcher have used a bit of our own expertise to create a handy, straight-to-the-point guide of the 12 best strategy games for beginners.