Download Multi Mod

This mod makes some improvements to the game including: Sprint while holding down the dash key. (With configurable energy cost); Player regenerates some energy while standing still. (Default: 0.25 per sec); Days last longer. (Default: 50% Longer); Pause game when opening chests and GUIs.; The player loses some energy while sprinting. (Default: 1 per sec); The player loses some energy while walking. (Disabled by default); The player's walk speed can be configured.; The player's walk speed when out of energy can be configured.; The player can sleep with full energy.; A key to fast-forward time (Default key Pause/Break); Ability to edit save files in any text editor.; Console commands for health/energy.; Console command to unfreeze frozen NPCs.; All features are configurable and can be disabled individually.

Credits: Lilin

File name Downloads Added
Multi Mod 85 27 Nov 2018