Download The Ruscko Restoration Project Mod

The Ruscko Restoration Project mod for My Summer Car aims to give the Ruscko a much needed facelift and tune up. It features an "activity/storyline" in which you, with the help of Fleetari and Lindell, work towards getting the Ruscko in good shape and a car to be proud of. --- You've won a car and now what? Well, you can take it to Fleetari, park it in his yard, and have him repair and restore it for you, look for the Ruscko poster in his office and go from there, it won't be cheap. He usually takes about a week or so to finish, how about brewing some Kilju in the meantime? Afterwards, go and pick up the keys to your restored car from Fleetari's office and go have it inspected to make it a fully road "legal" car.

Credits: Fredrik

File name Downloads Added
The Ruscko Restoration Project Mod 322 09 Mar 2019