Download NFS-Most Wanted Exotice

FIRST thing all must know that I dont have approval to upload few files from this and use it like a mod but I will take a risk after all of this long time since I have make this public and I also upload it on other page and will post link here. In this you can fine new cars, new effects, some new textures and BEST ENB that can run on medium settings and that will make your game luck like you have HD on it. You must have this in your game, if u dont then here are links: Game that is on version 1.3 ( link of patch: ) if you need crack for the v1.3 here it is MUST KNOW : installation tutorial Link for full TUTORIAL here: YOU DONT NEED to download mod loader for this to work. I recommend you instal City Mod v2 before you add my files (it will make your game nice) (see video: All credit go to the original creators of this files

Credits: dantles1992

File name Downloads Added
NFS-MW_mod.rar 177 08 May 2015