Download Stronger starbases - fighters, armour and more

Hi every one. Here you'll find upgraded Starbases, Battelestations, Starfortresses Version 1.1 April 26. Features: Generally the layout remains the same PLUS Fighters added for starbases. (9 squads) More armorplates, Adv. ECM and targeting Computer Image Battlestation Heavier armor Heavy fighters Damage reduction More ECM Shield capacitors Image Starfortresses Heavier armor More Heavy fighters Damage reduction Shield capacitors Great shields Image. Each grey square stands for 1 fighter squadron Link ... Unzip the contents and read instructions inside In-game snapshot Image Future plans It seems all the 3 stations have the same number of guns. 3 kinetcs 4 Missiles 3-4 Pds 2 energy cannons. Enough for a starbase but not for a battle station. Adding more Dynamic AllInOne modules in the shipyard doesn't help. Will try to search for a way to add more

Credits: stixon

File name Downloads Added 8 28 Apr 2015