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Age of Empires 2 Dev Reveals Why Korean Civ Was Added Last Minute

Age of Empires 2 Dev Reveals Why Korean Civ Was Added Last Minute

A developer has shared how a last-minute decision affected Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors.

The Best World War 2 Strategy Games

The Best World War 2 Strategy Games

These are our current best World War 2 Strategy games, appearing in alphabetical order. Included are both turn-based and real-time PC Strategy games that span across the last decade.

Endless Legend 2 has revealed Its first Faction

Endless Legend 2 has revealed Its first Faction

Endless Legend 2’s first playable faction reveal shows off the Kin of Sheredyn.

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Country Pack Launches in Early March

Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Country Pack Launches in Early March

India, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan are having their national focus trees update, allowing for different paths that follow history or diverge from it.

New Infinity Nikki Codes for February 2025

New Infinity Nikki Codes for February 2025

Find out how to redeem in-game rewards with the latest Infinity Nikki codes for the fashion RPG.

Horizon MMO from NCSoft Reportedly Canceled

Horizon MMO from NCSoft Reportedly Canceled

Several projects at NCSoft have reportedly been abruptly canceled, including a Horizon MMO.

Hearts of Iron 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Hearts of Iron 4 Console Commands and Cheats

This handy list of Hearts of Iron 4 console commands and cheats will help you through World War 2's inevitable tough moments.

Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands and Cheats

Seize the upper hand on the world stage with these Europa Universalis 4 console commands and cheats.

Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream Gameplay Trailer Sneaks Out

Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream Gameplay Trailer Sneaks Out

The Narrative Stealth Adventure game Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream has a new gameplay trailer that showcases the sneak-em-up in action.

Start an alternative historical journey with Germany in the Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung DLC

Start an alternative historical journey with Germany in the Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung DLC

Set Germany on an alternative historical timeline in Hearts of Iron 4's latest expansion Götterdämmerung, allowing for a fresh take on its role in WW2.