We’re back again and this time we’re so serious we’re all pulling mean looking faces and staring! A lot has gone on over the last couple of weeks. We’ve cried together, laughed together and generally rolled around together and fought like men. It’s been great!
In fact, what has come out of all that tomfoolery is not just great reviews and interviews as you’ve all come to expect but there have been a couple changes to the site too.
As you might have read underneath the title headline that we at Strategy Informer have decided to streamline our service. We now focus mainly on all things PC, XBox 360 and PS3.
That means that our reviews, previews and news items will chiefly concentrate on these areas although of course if there’s major Wii news, or a huge titles like Mario Kart we’ll of course be covering it.
In the meantime however, it means that you’ll be getting more of what you want, basically more PC related info plus stuff on the major consoles of the moment.
All views are welcome on this issue so feel free to comment below about the changes made.
Anyway, back to the important stuff that has happened since last time spoke.
You might have also noticed our competition to win a copy of of Geometry Wars Galaxies on either the Wii or DS. Kind of a parting gift if you like. Remember this competition is for European residents only and if you’re wondering whether you’ll like it why not read our Wii review before taking the plunge? Anyway, just leave a comment about why it should be you and we’ll let you know as soon as we can.
Our Saga review went up and our reviewer JanaLee Stocks really enjoyed it saying she felt it has moved away from the traditional feel of an MMO. She scored it a massive 8/10 and I don’t blame her to be honest.
JanaLee Stocks also reviewed Band of Bugs on the XBox 360. She found it surprisingly good and scored it a 7/10. The 360 doesn’t have that many strategy games so this will hopefully be a welcome addition to its library.
The next review worth noting is Namco Bandai’s Beautiful Katamari. I really enjoyed that game but it was sadly let down by some hackneyed controls and a rather rubbish camera at times. Anyway, 7/10 is a good score is it not?
Lastly, we have our exclusive HAZE Interview with Project Lead Derek Littlewood. It’s a great read and he gives insights into the development process and tells you everything you need to know about the game. So what are you waiting for?
Well that’s all for now. See you all soon. Make sure you Bookmark the site as we’re constantly updating and improving and we need your help!