Yoshi Kitase and Motomu Toriyama have confirmed there is no remake of Final Fantasy XVII going on behind the scenes, though they do discuss it on a ”personal level”.
It’s got ”a special place in their hearts.” While they make talk about it around the water cooler, there’s absolutely ”no official project yet.” Fans should play the PSN release to tide over with.
”There’s not official project that’s up and running for a remake of Final Fantasy VII at this point. Both Toriyama-san and Kitase-san were involved in the development of the game, however, and it holds a special place in their hearts. They do talk about it on a personal level, like, ‘If we did it it would be like this or like that,’” said Kitase-san and Toriyama-san at GamesCom, through a translator, reports VG247.
”So, they do talk about it, but there’s no official project yet. But there’s that PSN release that just came out, so if you could play that for the time being, it should be fun.”
Sorry, there’s to be no remake of Final Fantasy VII any time soon. Try and feel life is worth living until they make an announcement, if they ever do.