In fact they reckon that by the year’s end it will be ready to flip the switch. BT revealed an exclusive bundle deal with OnLive, and own 2.6 percent.
”We’ll announce further details about our launch plans later this year, but we would hope to make it available by the end of 2011,” BT told PC Retail, reports Eurogamer.
“Over time, as consumer broadband connectivity increases and as games become more complex, we expect cloud-based distribution models for gaming to become increasingly attractive and mainstream,” they added.
”BT is well positioned to help support this transformation. The expectation is that many of the popular games accessible on consoles today will be made available via OnLive.” It means games like Mass Effect 2, Crysis, Need for Speed and loads others can be streamed to your home so you can play triple-A releases without super PCs or consoles.
Of course the downside is you do need a super broadband connection otherwise you’ll get poor responses to the game as OnLive’s meaty servers can’t work their full magic if you’ve got dirty Internet. June 17th is the US launch date for OnLive…
…the industry will be watching.