Don’t forget Halo 3’s Mythic 2 Map Pack because that’s out February 2nd. Dead Rising and Halo Wars are now with GOD, they so totally are.
That would be the Games on Demand service kind of GOD, not the biblical one. Medal of Honor: Airborne will join in too on February 2nd. Check out the schedule below from Major Nelson’s blog. You might just see something you like…
Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week:
Feb. 1: Splosion Man, 400 Microsoft Points
Xbox LIVE Games on Demand:
Jan. 26: Dead Rising and Halo Wars
Feb. 2: Medal of Honor: Airborne
Xbox LIVE Arcade:
Jan. 27: KrissX, 800 Microsoft Points
Feb. 3: Chime, 400 Microsoft Points
Xbox Avatars Marketplace:
Jan. 28: Assassin’s Creed
Feb. 4 : Valentine’s Day and Carnival collections
Game Add-Ons
Jan. 27: Pinball FX Excalibur Table, 240 Microsoft Points
Jan. 28: Assassin’s Creed II: Battle of Forli, 320 Microsoft Points
Feb. 2: Halo 3 Mythic 2 Map Pack, 800 Microsoft Points