It’s ”how you look at it” argues Siddons, with Kinect you get both peripheral and a 2-player game - while Wii and PS Move cost more to do that.
Kinect is RRP in the UK is £129.99 and that includes both the Kinect camera, which can track up to 6 people and 2 actives, and a copy of Kinect Adventures. This is where Microsoft’s motion platform excels in value for money argues the UK marketing manager.
”The price thing itself depends on how you look at it,” said Siddons. ”It’s £129.99 RRP but it comes with a game within that price – so Adventures will be packed in with the camera.”
”If you buy it with the console which normally costs £149.99,” he continued, the package price is ”£249.99 with the Kinect and the games – another 100 pound on top. The camera tracks six people – with two active gamers – you don’t have to buy anything else.”
It’s still works out better in value? ”I’ll let you do the maths but when you say Nintendo Wii or PlayStation Move you buy this and this, even for a two player games.”
”What do you need and what do actually have to spend for a two player game for this device versus that device.” We find that Kinect ”is very competitively priced,” he added.
In the case of PlayStation Move - buying a setup for a 2-player game would cost £150, which is without a PS3 console or a full retailed 2-player Move supported title.
That’s £49.99 for the basic PS Move pack which includes the PlayStation Eye Camera, a Move controller and a demo disc. Another Move pad costs £39.99 and two Navigation pads would cost £29.99 each (they’re like the Wii nunchuk). The math adds up alright.