The introduction of dog tags meant players were ”striving to protect their neck.” A design and in-game stat are ours to choose from - they’re shown when you get a kill.
Every time you down a tango in Battlefield 3 they’ll be treated to having your personalised dog tag daggle above the screen, and vice versa. It’s to make that kill extra personal.
“When we introduced dog tags in Battlefield 2142, we immediately knew we’d turned the knife duel into something new and very personal,” says Alan Kertz. “Now players could have a record of their humiliation takedowns, and players were striving to protect their neck.”
“Dog tags in Battlefield 3 go beyond just having your name on them,” he said. “We have hundreds of dog tags that can be your personal calling card. Every time you kill an enemy, they see your tags. It’s your calling card – it’s your place to brag, and dynamic tags can show off how great you are with a knife, a jet, or even show off your personal play style.”
You’ll still be poaching dog tags from enemies out in the field but DICE has upped the stakes to getting them. Simply knifing your foe won’t do - it has to be a knife in the back. Don’t worry there are ”new, brutal knife takedowns” to enjoy when the game releases.
”Yes, these dog tags may demand a bit more than usual to collect them, but that just makes it a greater insult when you take one from your foe,” blogged DICE. Battlefield uses the ANT animation technology system from EA Sports.
“ANT technology allows us to make the knife takedown a truly immersive part of the physical Battlefield,” added senior multiplayer designer Kertz..
“Takedowns encourage players to get in there for stealth kills, and makes bringing a knife to a gun fight the risky but rewarding experience it was always meant to be.” Right now a select few are playing the closed alpha trial of Battlefield 3, with a beta due September.
Battlefield 3 releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC October 25th in the US, 28th in EU.