To celebrate the launch of Driver San Francisco, Ubisoft announced today that it will release free multiplayer content and a game-to-web service for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions.
“On September 15th, 12 new routes for all online modes will be made available for free. Then for the following 10 weeks an additional 10 free routes will also be made available, 1 per week.” read the press release.
Driver Club is available now and offers an exclusive Games-to-Web / Community service, which allows players to do the following:
* Unlock exclusive achievements
Find your stats and check the leaderboards
Showcase your film director clips
See and rate your friends’ clips
Review the Community facts
Follow your friends’ activities using the Driver Social feed
This website is accessible with a Uplay account here:
Ubisoft haven’t mentioned the PC version when it comes to this content, although we imagine it’ll be available when this version launches on 27th September, 2011. We’ll leave them a message just to be sure.