One of the most beloved side scrolling beat’em ups, The Simpsons Arcade Game, may finally be hitting home release for the first time since it was released on MS-DOS and the Commodore 64. The arcade hit itself was a parody of such games as Double Dragon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the gameplay was solid and fun, and the dialog was witty and clever.
According to XBLA Fans, the Australian Videogame Ratings Board may have let the cat out of the bag, as it has been listed on the site, with Backbone Entertainment as the developer. ”A while back, Konami asked fans over Facebook what Konami classic would they like to see released on XBLA and one of our most wanted just might be it,” the site has reported, ”@lifelower sent us a tip that an Australian ratings board rated The Simpsons Arcade Game with Backbone Entertainment as the Author possibly meaning they’re the developer.”
Check out some of the gameplay from the 1991 arcade title, and see if it stirs up any nice memories.